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Monday, April 9, 2012

The Unheard Word

Hey Everyone :)
So I was going through my old documents on Google a few minutes ago and I noticed this poem that I had written last year.
I know it had to do with a Buzz post (Remember Google's Buzz?), but I don't remember what the "Word" was...
I guess we'll never know......

By: Courtney

The Unheard Word

I wonder what you'd say
If I wrote in here today
And refused with all my might
That word in here to write

That noisy word
That we've all heard
But I darest not to say
Because if I do
I believe I'll rue
My silly choice today

"What noisy word?" you ask of me
What type of girl am I taken to be?
That word of which my poem has lacked
Not "hit", not "hack", but a front-hand impact

Ha! There! You see?
I did not use that word
That was my aim and so it should be
For thus it goes unheard


I miss writing poetry... Oh well, maybe later on...We'll see...

With a huge pile of books to catalog and lots of love from me,
I bid you all goodnight, 
And thus exits

A picture I drew when I was in Illinois last month :)